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네팔인에게 보내는 네팔 발전을 위한 영문 메시지 --네팔인 여의사 수버드라가 네팔어로 번역한 것을 네팔인 대학생 무나가 영역

  • 김형효
  • 조회 6144
  • 2005.12.10 20:52
“ To have a  healthy life, it’s necessary to have healthy things, healthy mind and good behaviors through which we can develop our surroundings”

-Mr. Kim Hyoung Hyo

              I’d like to describe my plans in this way. I was much unknown about this country Nepal. I knew nothing about Nepal later I came to know about Nepal when I was in circle of Nepali friends in Korea.

                    The first Nepali friend or the first Nepali women whom I’d talk was Miss. Pradhan Shubhadra who is a good and kindhearted woman. And to have a friend like Subhadra I take it as my fortune, with the kind co-operation of Miss. Subhadra I came to know about Nepal, its people, it’s culture and many more also. I got chance to get closer with many Nepali brothers and sisters. This way I was getting closer with Nepal and its people more than I’d realized. Like that way, on June 6th 2004. I came to Nepal with one of my Nepali brothers (Since I was interested with Nepal and its people I wanted to get more familiar with them). Though I’d been to china and Japan I found Nepal a bit far without any plans and decisions I’d came to Nepal. Later coming in Nepal I get introduced with many Nepali children and was very tough thing for them and me for the first time. Anyways I got a chance to know them, learn them, and help them. I was very much attracted towards their life style wand wanted to help them, as we all are human. And what I believe is- “The man is not a man without humanity and honesty”

                        I love Nepal and I like Nepal! Language and the things, which I have learned in Nepal, is “I love Nepal, I like Nepal! Language and namaste” during one month of time I could learn nothing just these few words. In hat way I spent my days with Nepali people trying to learn their culture, tradition and history. And from that perspective, I saw so possibilities for developing Nepal. I know it’s difficult but we can try in this difficult read to.
                        After one month of staying here in Nepal I went back to Korea. Though my body was in Korea my spirit and my thoughts were left in Nepal. Or I mean to say I couldn’t help thinking about Nepal and Nepali. The only thing that hunted my mind was to do something good in Nepal. I’ve told my friends about Nepal and its people and culture in Korea. Since I came to Nepal, I couldn’t sit with satisfaction in my heart and mind. I was hungry to do something for Nepali especially for the lovely Nepal! Children who had won my heart. So I dreamt a dream of or I decided to open a school or small hospital for them and also to give them various ideas about our environment. And with this dream I again came to Nepal on 30th march 2005.

                              What I’d realized was only thinking and knowing is not enough. There are many things left behind which are to be put into an action. Seeing the poverty of Nepalese people, and their life style (most of the people are staying in polluted area) I found many things to be done.

                                If i get chance to live for a long time the very first thing I’d like to do is help youths of Nepal. I’ve seen so many youths doing nothing so first of I want to give them some works as much as I can (Any work which keeps them busy, active and make them creative). Then only I can further precede my plans. There are many possibilities and chances to develop Nepal so until and unless there area chances I don’t want to lose them and I want to warn its people and make them wake up.

                            My next plan is to have a small school opened for Nepali children with low cost, scholarships and many more creative and artistic works at school. Still I need to go deeper and study things well. Also as I told everything to my Korean friends and brother, they have promised me to help and what I believe is they won’t disappoint.

                              “Development” ya, it’s obviously is not an easy fast but we also shouldn’t forget that it’s of almost necessity and is crucial for a country. Though it’s not that easy to develop at a once, but we can try at list and give the best of our efforts. One saying is there “where there’s will, there’s a way”. So if one wants to develop means he will be able to find out the ways too but “One” is just not enough since the co-operation aids a lot in this sector. I know the country’s internal problem and I know its political conditions too. I know it’s not that easy as I have though too but we should at least try. What is the main thing is we should be able represent Nepal in international countries. I want Nepalese people to raise their country in comparison with international level. For this, co-operation of people and community formation is very important.

                                      This time is crucial. We know “Time is money” So we shouldn’t waste the time. Nepalese people should use this valuable time in a proper way. They must be able to analyses things like what’s wrong and what’s right. Also Nepalese people must know their country is culture and tradition in a through way so that they can gain profit from it and help Nepal develop more and more, so that they can lead Nepal in the path of success. For this education and environment plays an important role. Since education gives lots of knowledge about environment, life style and culture and everything it should be provided to every-one. Education is the light so it’ll guide you through the darkness.

                                If all these mentioned things are done carefully and properly in the near future then within 10-15 years. Nepali people will be doing Shankar3
Lots of creative woks and Nepal will be on the top of the success. Only telling things are not good only my saying things are also not enough but all should come up to the field of action and realities. These are the things that I believe.

                                  Next thing of being healthy or making own self-healthy. If the bigger ones are healthy then smaller ones learn from the keep from them to keep healthy. In order to live a healthy life first of all the elders must be careful about every thing and they should be capable of making their environment clean. Then only the followers will follow them. We all know “Health” is wealth so, if we are healthy then only we can go ahead if not then nothing remains in our hands. If we are healthy then our mind and our thoughts become healthy. If our thoughts are healthy then our behaviors towards other becomes admirable. And in this way healthy people all over Nepal can from a community and give education to needy ones whose ultimate goal will be the development of country. This is what my first belief, and that’s what we should teach our offspring.
                          The last but not least what’s my aim goes for is to teach today’s children and youths of this country and to help them doing various useful works as they are the carrier and tomorrow’s maker people.

“A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step”

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